Am I the Right Coach for You?

Successful coaching thrives on objectivity and trust. The web abounds in hundreds of thousands of coaches, offering all kinds of services in all possible niches. Finding the right match is crucial for any kind of personal or business coaching. Intuitively, or by logical deduction or word of mouth, it’s important to choose a coach you trust and like, as well as his/her qualifications, values and methods of work.

How My Coaching Works

The trap many people fall into when setting goals is jumping right into the “Action” stage, with no or not enough time spent on gaining awareness, clarity, exploring choices and different strategies.

Regardless of whether you are overwhelmed or stuck in a process or a situation, at home or at work, or you are an experienced professional but with no sense of connection with yourself and balance in life, I can encourage you  to see another perspective, ask questions or explore options you would never have considered based on your old patterns of thinking.

Throughout this process I will support you in gaining the skills in taking charge of your own decisions, actions and getting things done.

I deliver my sessions only online – preferably by VSee or any other secure video application. Upon the client’s choice I can work via Skype or phone.


Confidentiality is at the core of building a trustworthy relationship with my client. When you understand that you are in safe environment and everything you say will stay in that room this will make the process of your own journey and ours together easier.